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Jesus followers? and Metaphysics? Yes, please .... but so many things can present potential barriers (am I right?). Years of programming can present challenges that make our heads spin when we say "Jesus" and "chakra" in the same sentence. 

I hope you'll join my FREE training for those who are new on this journey! This is ESPECIALLY for those who have the deep longing about getting started with metaphysics but don't want to give up Jesus. (Hint: you won't have to... in fact, quite the opposite!). 

The training will be pretty casual without a lot of slides, and we'll have an honest and straightforward -- and energetically fun -- conversation. In the training, I'll give you several intuitive exercises and invitations to make absolutely sure that it is worth your time and energy. This is your soul, after all! It is my desire for you to have more clarity and joy as part of your journey.

In This Training, You Will Discover... 

  • How to overcome the initial barriers and freak outs that keep you from getting started so that you can move forward with clarity and happiness

  • Intuitive exercises to tap into the incredible power of the metaphysical world as an authentic expression of God's love in this crazily beautiful energetic world so that you can stop asking "can I?" and start asking "how do I?"

  • More on connecting to your energetic self as the foundation for all other exploration like chakras, angels, and more